Three Types of Dental Implants, Which One is Right For You?

One in four Americans has untreated tooth decay. If left untreated for a long period, tooth decay can result in permanent tooth loss. And it’s definitely not a pleasant scenario to imagine!

While optimum dental care and regular checkups are necessary for everyone, the good news is that now tooth loss is also a fixable condition. In recent years, cosmetic dentistry has advanced a great deal and now offers dental implant solutions for people who lose their teeth due to decay, illness, or an injury.

If you have been hiding away from the crowds, not smiling openly, or lack confidence due to a lost tooth, here’s something you can do about it.

In this blog today, we’ll tell you about three types of dental implants that can help you regain your confidence and a full smile.

What is a Dental Implant?

A dental implant is a type of dental procedure that cosmetic dentists offer. Through this treatment, dentists fix a titanium-based post (screw) in your gum and top it with a crown. A crown is an artificial tooth that’s customized according to your denture, jawline, and the appearance of your real teeth.

Three Types of Dental Implants

If you have lost a tooth or multiple teeth due to an accident or illness, then here are three types of dental plants you can consider.

Single Dental Implant

Single dental implant is an ideal solution for people who have lost a single tooth. A single screw is fixed into the gum, and a few weeks later, the crown is installed in place of the missing tooth.

Implant-Supported Bridge

If you have lost a couple of teeth with a gap in between, an implant-supported bridge may work for you. Through this technique, a cosmetic dentist fixes two or three posts in the gum and sets a bridge of crowns on the given support.

Implant-Retained Denture

People who have lost all their teeth due to age or a medical condition opt for implant-retained dentures. Much better than removable dentures, implant-retained dentures are fixed on top of multiple screws strategically placed in the gum. The denture is then fixed on top of the implants to give a natural-looking set of teeth.

Some Considerations to Keep in Mind

Dental implants have a success rate of 98 percent and are widely popular in the US; however, here are some things to keep in mind.

Bone Density

Your bone health, as per your age and bone density, is taken into consideration, especially if you’re looking for bridge or denture implants. A cosmetic dentist will examine your bones to determine the right solution for you.

Oral Health

Your overall oral health is also important when choosing the right dental implant. If you have a poor bite, weak gums, or skeletal problems, your dentist may want to address those problems first.

Number of Missing Tooth to be Replaced

And naturally, the right kind of dental implant depends on the number of teeth you are looking to replace. If you have lost multiple teeth and may lose more (due to an illness), your dentist may recommend you implant-retained denture instead of an implant-supported denture.

Consult Westlake Dental Implant Specialist

If you’re interested in getting dental implants in Westlake, please book an appointment! With 30 years of experience as a cosmetic dentist, Dr. Below offers dental implants, teeth whitening, and children’s dentistry services.

The 4 Most Common Dental Problems in Children

Childhood is a time for kids to have fun, explore, and grow while growing and learning new things. However, these precious growth years are also home to various dental care problems.

From the time they grow their first tooth to when they lose their first tooth, parents constantly worry about their children’s oral health and hygiene. Dental problems can be painful, which is why most parents want to keep their children away from them.

Untreated dental problems in children can cause misaligned tooth development, leading to more serious problems in the future. So, understanding the pediatric health problems – why and how they happen – is necessary to take appropriate preventative measures.

Here are the most common dental problems in children.

Tooth Decay

According to research, tooth decay is the most common chronic childhood disease. This is because children’s teeth are more sensitive, and improper brushing and flossing can cause them to rot away. Plus, the fact that children love sugary foods can cause the condition to aggravate further.

It’s important that parents carefully supervise children while they brush their teeth until they can sufficiently do it on their own. Proper brushing ensures that bacteria, plaque, and food remains are removed from their teeth, minimizing the chances of cavities. Also, control your children’s sugar intake to reduce the risk of cavities and teeth loss.

Sensitivity in Teeth

Sensitivity can be a source of discomfort for your children, causing them to lose focus and become distracted. A few reasons for sensitivity include:

  • Cavities
  • New permanent teeth
  • Loss of enamel
  • Acid exposure
  • Teeth grinding

To prevent tooth sensitivity, keep your children away from sodas and sugary food items as they wear down the enamel making teeth vulnerable to hot and cold temperatures. If the sensitivity is a result of a cavity, you should immediately see your dentist.

Gum Disease

Gum diseases are more common in children with poor dental hygiene. If you notice that your child’s gum is red, swollen, or in pain, it means they are experiencing gum disease.

Poor dental hygiene habits are often the cause of gum diseases.

Dental Emergencies

An unforeseen incident involving teeth-related injury can happen at any time. Teeth chipping, breaking, or tooth loss are some of the consequences of these accidents.

Consult with a dentist in case of an emergency and supervise your children to make sure they play safe.

Dr. Walter Below provides the best pediatric dentistry services in Westlake, Ohio.

He is a dental care practitioner with years of experience and has many loyal patients.

Book an appointment to avail our children’s dentistry services.

Taking Your Kid for a Dental Visit? Here are 3 Tips to Make it Fun!

A visit to the dentist can be terrifying and overwhelming for children in many ways, whether it’s the strange environment, the unfamiliar faces, the tools, or the fear of pain. Kids are perceptive and often pick up on their parents’ anxiety too.

However, since regular checkups are necessary, and kids may require various procedures such as fillings, you need to help them get past their fear. Make their next dental care visit in Westlake more fun in the following ways:

1. Introduce the idea of the dentist early on

Introduce them to the idea of the dentist when they’re young. If there’s an impending appointment, you can talk to them about the upcoming adventure and help them prepare for it. If they’re older, they might know what to expect; if not, talk to them about what will happen, how the dentist will use painless, easy methods, and why it’s important. Encourage curiosity, let them ask questions, answer their queries, and address their concerns instead of using fear to make them stop. This will only add to the anxiety.


2. Use positive language, stories, and images

The language we use is imperative to the relationship kids build with dentists. Using positive, affirmative language and images and telling stories can make the experience of visiting a dentist in Westlake, OH,  a lot more fun and exciting. You can talk to them about the tooth fairy, share funny anecdotes, play games, and develop secret codes they can use. These are helpful both before the appointment, on the drive there, in the waiting room, and even during their checkup or treatment.

3. Incentivize them with meaningful rewards

Incentives and rewards are always a plus for making dentist visits less scary. However, it’s also important that we use positive reinforcement intelligently rather than dangerously, which is why you should use educational, meaningful rewards such as a trip to the zoo or a fun new toy rather than candies and treats. Using food, especially junk, as an incentive to visit the dentist is not only counterintuitive to dental hygiene, but it also impacts their relationship with food in the long run.

If you’re looking for an excellent, experienced children’s dentistry service in Westlake, OH, reach out to Dr. Below. He offers general dentist services in Westlake, Ohio, as well as cosmetic and emergency dental care in Westlake, and is one of the leading dental implant specialists in the region.

How to Take Care of your Dental Implants – Infographic

Taking Care of dental Implants can be confusing, If you have gotten a Dental Implant recently and don’t know how to take care of it.

Please refer to the infographic below:

Urgent vs. Non-Urgent Emergency Dental Care

It’s important to know when you have an urgent versus non-urgent dental emergency on your hands. For example, if you got into an accident that knocked your tooth out, you’re going to need the help of an emergency dentist in Westlake within the same day, even if it happened outside regular business hours.

Here’s all you need to know about dental emergencies:

Dental abscess
An infected tooth or dental abscess is an extremely painful dental condition that can turn more serious the longer that it’s left untreated. The bacteria from a tooth infection can enter your bloodstream and cause an infection—don’t take your tooth pain lightly. If you have a dental abscess, you need to get immediate treatment and address the infection with the help of an antibiotic.

You might also need further treatment, such as a filling, root canal, or even an extraction, to ensure that your mouth is safe.

Loose tooth
A loose tooth isn’t an extremely urgent dental emergency. You can wait till the dentist’s office opens during normal business hours to address your problem. However, make sure that you avoid any drinks or foods that might dislodge or irritate your tooth in the meantime—it’ll only make matters worse.

Post-surgical problems
After getting dental surgery for extraction or implant, your dentist needs to know if you’re facing any unusual discoloration, swelling, fever, or pain. There’s always a risk of contracting an infection when performing a surgical procedure, and it needs to be taken care of through immediate action. Don’t hesitate to reach out to your dentist for any concerns after dental surgery.

A large chip or crack
While chips and cracks look unsightly, they don’t require urgent emergency care. The biggest worry when dealing with chips or cracks is the possibility of contracting an infection if the crack is deep enough. If you’re experiencing any kind of pain around the chip or crack, it’s best to call your dentist for advice.

Knocked-out teeth
It’s normal to feel panicked if you or someone you love gets their tooth knocked out. This alarming problem might make you believe that your tooth is permanently gone, but if you take immediate action, you can still salvage the situation. If your tooth is intact and has been knocked out cleanly, there might still be hope. Contact your dentist ASAP so that they can guide you on what to do next.

We provide top-notch emergency dental services in Ohio

Do you think you need urgent care for your dental emergency? Dr. Below has got you covered! You can call us after hours in case you’ve got a chipped or broken tooth, infection, or severe discomfort of any kind. We provide many kinds of dental services such as cosmetic dentistry, teeth whitening, and dental implants.

Book an appointment today!

Everything You Need To Know About Teeth Whitening

Do you feel a tinge of envy whenever you see your favorite celebrity flash a bright, beautiful smile? Professional teeth whitening with the help of an experienced dentist in Westlake is an efficient, safe, and effective solution. There are a lot of things that you need to consider before choosing this treatment.

Here’s everything you should know:

Teeth whitening procedures consist of two main ingredients—hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide. Unlike whitening toothpaste, which uses abrasive ingredients to mechanically grind off any surface-level stains, these whitening agents consist of oxygen molecules that chemically weaken the stains.

Many OTC whitening kits, strips, and pens also use some form of peroxide. The biggest difference between professional teeth whitening and these is the concentration of chemicals. Dentists use a high concentration of H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) since they can isolate your teeth by using a rubber dam to protect your gums.

In-office treatment

Professional whitening treatments depend on the person’s unique needs and are typically done in multiple short appointments. The whitening material is left on the patient’s teeth for 15-30 minutes before being washed off and re-applied. The appointment shouldn’t take more than 1.5 hours.

There are 2 different kinds of in-office treatments for teeth whitening:

Hydrogen peroxide and a type of highly intensive light such as halogen, UV, or LED. The light is sourced from a laser device or lamp that sits outside the mouth.
A high concentration of hydrogen peroxide gel that’s applied with a syringe.
Laser light and halogen light can increase teeth lightness much more than peroxide alone.

What can you expect?

There are several steps involved in in-office treatments for teeth whitening:

After looking at a tooth shading chart, you and your dentist will discuss the level of lightness that you want to achieve.
Your dental health specialist will use pumice to polish your teeth and remove plaque before placing a barrier along your gumline to protect the fleshy parts of your mouth.

They’ll apply the whitening material for an hour and use light activation.

After the whitening process is done, your dentist will rinse your teeth and apply fluoride to mitigate any sensitivity.
Once you’ve reached your desired shade, your dentist is going to discuss any changes in lifestyle habits that you’ll need to make for the next couple of days so that the whitening agent gets time to do its thing. This includes staying away from brightly colored food, red wine, and coffee.

We provide top-notch cosmetic dentistry services in Westlake

Are you ready to show off your bright white smile? Dr. Below has got you covered! Our team will make sure that you’re comfortable throughout your procedure by answering all your questions and making sure that you’re aware of the process. We provide many dental services such as routine checkups, dental implants, and deep teeth cleaning.

Book an appointment at the clinic today!

Things You Can Do To Prevent Cavities – Infographic

Cavities are very common nowadays. The following are the things you can keep in mind to prevent cavities.

Visible Signs To Whiten Your Teeth – Infographic

The following Infographic gives you pointers as to when you should consider going to the dentist for teeth whitening!

Why You Should Try Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry is becoming hugely popular nowadays. Here are the reasons as to why you should definitely give it a try!

Dental Implants vs. Dentures: Which Is Better For You?

Dentures and implants are two of the few options you can opt for when you need to replace missing teeth. You need to consider several factors like price, personal preference, and the health of your mouth while choosing the best solution.

Tooth loss is a highly prevalent issue among young and older people alike.  Almost 70 percent of adults aged thirty-five to forty-four years have at least one missing tooth, and one in four people above the age of seventy-four are missing all their teeth.

While dental implants and dentures have their own set of pros and cons, it’s essential to discuss your options with your dentist.

Dental Implants vs. Dentures

Dental Implants

Implants have become a popular option in recent years. They’re a permanent solution to missing teeth as they replicate the root of a natural tooth.

A dental implant process starts with extracting the damaged root, followed by drilling a hole into the jaw bone. Then a titanium prosthetic root called post is embedded deep into the bone. Once the bone starts to grow around it, the top of the post will be fitted with a crown.

It’s a surgical procedure where the implant fuses with the jaw bone to create a lasting foundation.

Highlights of the Procedure

  • High success rate
  • Long-lasting
  • Easy to care for
  • Preserve your facial structure and jaw bone
  • Act just like regular teeth


Unlike implants, dentures are removable prosthetic teeth.

The process begins by taking an impression of your upper and lower gums. The dentist will also examine your bite and jaw bone alignment. This is to ensure optimal chewing and speech.

After the set of dentures is made, it will be placed in your mouth. They’re made to appear like your natural teeth and are attached to your gums using an adhesive.

Highlights of the Procedure

  • Less expensive as compared to implants
  • They’re removable
  • The process is non-invasive
  • The process is quick
  • Factors to Consider When Choosing Dental Implants vs. Dentures
  • Insurance coverage
  • Durability
  • Long-term oral health
  • Oral hygiene
  • Enhanced appearance
  • Patient’s age

Bottom Line

While making your choice, you should keep these factors in mind and carefully consult with your dentist.

While implants are more expensive, they can provide you with 20 or more service years than dentures. Weigh your options carefully and consider your priorities along with your budget and preference.

If you’re contemplating getting dental implants or dentures, reach out to Dr. Walter Below.

He is a dental care practitioner who offers various dentistry services in Westlake, including dental implants and dentures.

Book an appointment with us for consultation.