Portrait of unhappy mature man suffering from toothache

Is Minor Tooth Pain Normal?

By definition, tooth pain that’s sharp and severe is difficult for anyone to ignore and usually results in either a call to anemergency dentist in Westlake or an impassioned plea to your regular dentist to see you as soon as possible. However, minor tooth pain is a very different story. We’ll look at whether these types of toothaches are normal and what you should do about them.

Types of Tooth Pain 

There are a few different types of tooth pain. In some cases, you might always feel a dull ache, a type of pain you can almost forget is even there. In others, you might have a sharp pain when you crunch down on something hard or eat something that’s too hot or cold. No matter what type of tooth pain you have, the answer is that none of these sensations are normal. If you continue to ignore it, the problem is liable to get worse.

Causes of Tooth Pain in Westlake 

Cavities, infections, teeth grinding, impacted wisdom teeth: there are a variety of reasons that you may feel tooth pain. If you want to solve the mystery, it’s time to see adentist in Westlake, OH. Because issues like fractures and nerve damage can hide on X-rays, it may take some exploration on the part of your dentist to figure out the cause of the pain. From there, they can devise a treatment plan to put your oral health back on the mend.

At the office of Walter R. Below DMD, you’ll meet a staff that will ask the right questions and target the right areas. Contact us today to learn more about our services, and how we can schedule you in for a check-up no matter when tooth pain strikes.

Root Planing Explained  

As dental professionals strive to provide effective treatments for gum disease, root planing has become a popular non-surgical procedure to prevent and address periodontal issues. If you’re curious about the process of root planing in Westlake, OH, here is root planing explained.

Consultation and Evaluation

Before beginning root planing, your dentist will assess your oral health and determine if the treatment is suitable for you. This evaluation may involve a thorough examination of your teeth and gums, dental X-rays, and a discussion of your medical history and any medications you’re taking.

Local Anesthesia

To ensure your comfort during the procedure, your dentist will administer local anesthesia to numb the affected area. This will help minimize any discomfort you may experience during the root planing process.


The first step of root planing involves scaling, a process that removes plaque and tartar from your teeth’s surfaces and below the guml ine. Your dentist or dental hygienist will use specialized instruments, such as ultrasonic scalers or hand scalers, to clean your teeth thoroughly.

Root Planing

After scaling, your dental professional will proceed with the actual root planing. This involves smoothing the rough surfaces of your tooth roots, making it more challenging for bacteria to adhere and accumulate. By eliminating these rough spots, your gums can heal and reattach to the teeth more effectively.

Post-Procedure Care

Following the root planing process, your dentist will provide you with instructions for proper follow up oral care at home. This may include using a soft-bristle toothbrush, flossing regularly, and using a medicated mouthwash to prevent infection and promote healing.

Root planing is a proven and effective method for preventing and treating gum disease and promoting healthier teeth and gums. If you have any questions about root planing or other dental treatments please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re here to help you achieve a healthy, confident smile. Contact us today to book your next Westlake, OH dentist appointment.